Do I look good in green? A conceptual framework integrating employee green behavior, impression management and social norms - DOI(

Felipe Fonseca de Araújo


Concern with green organizational behavior is increasing, but the impact of important concepts like image and social norms still need to be included on the discussion. This paper proposes a conceptual model where impression management has an impact on green organization behavior. The more concerned the employees are with their image, the more they will behave in manners to improve such image, either through task-related or proactive behaviors. Social norms will moderate this relation, while failing to behave according to the descriptive social norms will affect negatively the image, behaving in an approved way will improve the employee’s image. 


Green organization behavior, impression management and social norms

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Classificação Qualis CAPES - B3 (Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo)

B4 (Interdisciplinar)

ISSN: 2238-8893