Analysis of legal decisions from the Supreme Justice Court regarding the succession rights of the married/joined partner through the partial communion marital property regimen in succession dispute with the descendants of the deceased in legitimate succes


  • Helena Orselli Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB
  • Kheila Cristine Rampelotti Silva Evaristo Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB



Civil-constitutional law, Descendants, Legitimate succession, Partial communion of property, Succession dispute of the surviving married/joined partner


The analysis of the position of the Justices of the Supreme Justice Court is proposed regarding the succession dispute of the surviving married/joined partner through the partial communion matrimony property scheme with the descendants of the deceased in five Special Appeals founded on the theme from the entry into force of the Civil Code of 2002 until the 1st of August of 2019. The methodology was founded on the inductive method, and on the techniques of bibliographical revision, templating, referencing and descriptive and comparative analysis. The controversy hinges over the interpretation of the first item of article 1.829 of the Civil Code, which links the succession dispute of the married/joined partner through the partial communion marital property scheme to the existence of private property left by the deceased without establishing from which part of the inheritance he/she would inherit. The legal text admits different interpretative currents due to its obscurity. Among the analyzed rulings, in Special Appeals 1.117.563-SP (2009), and 1.377.084-MG (2013), the position that gives the married/joined partner the right to succession dispute under the common goods that make up the inheritance of the deceased was adopted. In Special Appeals 974.241-DF (2011), and 1.368.123-SP (2015), there was judgement in favor of allowing for succession rights of the surviving spouse only regarding the private property of the inheritance’s author. In 2019, in Special Appeals 1.617.650-RS and 1.617.501-RS, the Third Panel Justices decided unanimously that the joined partner through the partial communion matrimony property scheme inherits merely from the deceased’s private property. After a long debate regarding this subject between the Third and the Fourth Panel Justices, there has been an agreement on this theme.

Author Biography

Kheila Cristine Rampelotti Silva Evaristo, Universidade Regional de Blumenau - FURB

Bolsista de iniciação científica do programa PIBIC/Furb. Bacharelanda em Direito pela Universidade Regional de Blumenau – FURB. Membro da linha de pesquisa Políticas constitucionais e relações privadas do Grupo de pesquisa Constinter, certificado pela FURB junto ao CNPQ.


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How to Cite

Orselli, H., & Rampelotti Silva Evaristo, K. C. (2021). Analysis of legal decisions from the Supreme Justice Court regarding the succession rights of the married/joined partner through the partial communion marital property regimen in succession dispute with the descendants of the deceased in legitimate succes. FA7 Law Review, 18(3), 57–73.;18.3:1302